WOH G64, also known as IRAS 04553-6825 is one of the extreme yellow hypergiants[1] in the LMC. It used to be one of the largest known stars, being 1,540 times larger than our own sun. Unfortunately, the star has shrunken to a Yellow Hypergiant.[1] This would give it a smaller size of 800 Solar Radii. It is located in the constellation of Dorado.
Dust Torus[]
WOH G64 has a dust torus around 1 light year in diameter. The dust torus is seen in the VLT Image of WOH G64.
Old Size[]
WOH G64 used to be 1,540 Solar Radii, but it actually is around 800 solar radii. In fact, WOH G64 hasn't been 1,540 solar radii for at least 10 years.[1] It is no longer a Red Hypergiant.