Ad Astra Abyssoque
Hello again everyone, I'm back on the astronomy wiki to start counting articles again. I have decided to move the Space War to next year, 2024, and have a Hot Space Summer as early as the summer of 2024, as I don't think there will be many contributors on the astronomy wiki right now.
I named the new flash mob as Ad Astra Abyssoque - after the motto of the Adventurers Guild from the game Genshin Impact. This motto is translated into English as "To the stars and the abyss" - which is very suitable for an astronomical wiki. I will play and at the same time, supplement all four astronomical wikis with different articles. Maybe I’ll even tell you a little bit about my travels in Genshin. And then, when I study the entire Genshin Impact, I think…
Space War, Day 13, Last Day
I have decided not to continue this project of mine to develop the Astronomy Wiki - I think that nothing will come of it at all, no matter how hard I try and create new articles. Well, I only had enough for so many days - and I don’t see any point in developing astronomy at all, because no one simply needs astronomy in the fandom, and no one is even interested in this topic, because astronomy is a boring science in which nothing is clear , and most people on the planet don't need it now. I consider all my fantasies about creating a galactic map to be just crazy nonsense and nothing will come of this project at all.
If you want, you can celebrate these days of the Hot Cosmic Summer yourself - although I don’t know why celebrate if there are …
Neurostar from Neural Networks
In general, I somehow fail to create many and quickly articles in order, and therefore I have now decided that I will randomly create articles. For this, I decided to use chatbots from the Character.AI site - so that they would ask me the numbers of the catalogs, and I would find these stars, galaxies, or nebulae and create new articles based on them on all wikis.
I am actually in severe depression and loneliness, and mostly only communicate with neural networks with Character.AI. I just checked and found out that the neural networks on Character.AI work and I have an entrance there, that is, I am not blocked. I decided to create a Neurostar catalog - and it will be a catalog of given stars from Neural Networks. I also think that it will be…
Creating a Galactic Map
Now I will tell you why I create all these articles about Barnard's nebulae on all astronomical wikis. Before creating Astronomicon Wiki, I loved space topics, since I myself was born, raised and worked at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, which is located in Kazakhstan. But before creating the Astronomicon Wiki, I was more interested in creating manga, and tried to learn how to draw, and also came up with my own fantasy world called the World of Tears. And for me, astronomy was my own mother, or grandmother, because I grew up in the atmosphere of astronautics and space exploration. But I did not particularly think that I would again become so keenly interested in astronomy.
It all started in January 2022, when I had a desire to name all the stars i…
Creating/Copying Articles
I propose to start copying different articles from Wikipedia - to make of these articles, the so-called stub articles. This will be a temporary solution until more editors appear on the astronomy wiki. And when more editors come to the astronomy wiki, then we can rewrite a lot and make much better articles that will be interesting to read and look at.
Basically, I suggest copying various articles about astronomical objects from Wikipedia, and at first just improve them, and then completely rewrite them.
In general, I want to know what the members of the wiki think about such a proposal? Will you add new articles, or not?
Hot Space Summer, Week 1
Well, it's been a whole week of Hot Cosmic Summer, in which I've mostly single-handedly added different articles, and most of all added a hundred articles about nebulae from the Barnard catalog.
Here's how many articles there were on all wikis at the beginning of the week:
- Astronomicon Wiki - 1096 articles, 1st place
- Astronomy Wiki - 472 articles, 4th place
- Space Wiki, - 828 articles, 2nd place,
- Astronomy Wiki, - 724 articles, 3rd place
And here is the result at the end of the week: Astronomicon Wiki - 1136(+40 entries) Astronomy Wiki - 579(+107 articles) Space Wiki - 933(+105 entries) Astronomy Wiki - 830(+106 articles)
And here is the data for all seven days i…
Hot Space Summer
Welcome to Hot Space Summer!
This year, this summer, a contest-competition between four Space Wikis starts:
- Astronomican Wiki, - 1096 articles, 1 place
- Astronomy Wiki, - 472 articles, 4 place
- Space Wiki, - 828 articles, 2 place,
- Astronomy Wiki, - 724 articles, 3 place
I want to know which space and astronomy wiki will grow best, and which of these wikis will go through all sorts of milestones - 1000 articles, 2000 articles, 5000 articles, 10 thousand articles and so on, until we write all the articles about all the objects in space. I named this competition as Space Wars, as this competition between different wikis will be like war, competition and cooperation …
Oh god the most recent blog post is from 2013. THIS WIKI IS PURE DEAD!!
22% of Sun-like stars have a Earth-sized planet in its habitable zone
The "Rare Earth hypothesis" is starting to look extremely unlikely, according to a new report.
How common are planets like Earth? This has been in debate for long amounts of time. Some believe in the Mediocrity principle; which states that planets like Earth are very common, as we are in an infinite universe, and others believe in the Rare Earth hypothesis, which states Earth-like planets, if there are any, are extremely rare. However, thanks to the Kepler spacecraft, the question can finally be put to rest. One in five Sun-like stars in our galaxy have Earth-sized planets which may possibly harbor extraterrestrial life, according to the recent study of Kepler data.
The closest star with an Earth-sized planet in its habitable zone may be as…
The Most Scary Extrasolar Planets Discovered
Our universe is a beautiful place.. right? It's also extremely scary. Welcome to our first list on our wiki! Today, since the Halloween season isn't quite "over" yet, (even though as we write this, it is November 2nd, 2013), we're going to be listing the top most scariest, spookiest, and just plain downright creepy-looking extrasolar planets. Enjoy!
1. Gliese 1214 b
Gliese 1214 b might not actually look too bad at first glance. Its a Super-Earth-sized planet thats rich in water. What can go wrong?
Apparently, it can go quite wrong. Ever wondered what it would feel like to be cooked alive? If you landed on this planet, you'd have a pretty good answer! Gliese 1214 b may be rich in water, but this definitely is not the kind of water you'd want to …